The company partially resumed operations of its dealerships across the country on May 11, 2020 with 25 percent workforce and strict safety measures for COVID 19 prevention.

Electric two-wheeler manufacturer Okinawa has dispatched over 1,200 scooters in the first month of restart operations after the government relaxing rules on the economic activities during nation-wide lockdown to fight the spread of corona virus. It has announced selling over 1,000 scooters since May 11, 2020 when it resumed production, with 60-70 percent touchpoints operational out of 350+ dealers across the country.
Amidst COVID-19 spread, the company had issued advisory to its dealership network on maintaining safety measures as they resume operations. The brand has been taking all the necessary precautions in terms of safety of its stakeholders. All the products are sanitized before getting dispatched from the assembly at the manufacturing unit and dealer partners sanitize post receiving the products at Dealership. To ensure the safety of the customers and dealers, a proper thermal screening is conducted at all the dealerships of Okinawa, as per the advisory issued by the company.
“We have witnessed a good demand in the market for Electric scooters. We have retailed over 1000 electric scooters despite limited dealerships operational during the current COVID 19 outbreak. This has indeed encouraged us, as we understand that the market is gaining its strength back. We also anticipate that, due to COVID-19 outbreak, a lot of people would want to avoid using public transport, which might increase the demand of new vehicles for Personal Mobility. With the increasing awareness around the economic viability of electric vehicles, we might witness a sharp inclination towards EVs among the buyers”
Mr. Jeetender Sharma- MD, Okinawa
Okinawa has reached the milestone number of retailing 1000 electric vehicles in the current difficult times, when not all the dealerships are fully operational, which highlights the growing demand of EVs among users. Okinawa also tops the chart in high-speed electric scooter sales in India in FY2020 and the only EV player to cross 10,000 figure in India.
Okinawa further plans to accelerate its marketing activities to spread the awareness about EV adoption. Amidst the COVID-19 scenario, Okinawa also announced a hike in dealer margin from 8 percent to 11 percent to enable its dealer network to make more profits. The brand has been adhering to strict operating procedures and is committed to health and well- being of its stakeholders